From the Wedding Tip Series, providing a new piece of advice every Wednesday to help brides get the most out of their wedding photography. This Wednesday we are proud to unveil Tip Fourteen: Don’t DIY the hair and makeup!

As with every industry, a professional is always going to a nicer job of what they are hired for than you or your BFF are probably capable of doing yourself. They have the experience, tools, and know-how to really do it right! Hair and makeup are no exception, so unless you or someone you know is a licensed cosmetologist, please leave this important aspect of your wedding to a professional.

As a photographer, we get a lot of brides thinking that they will look perfect in their wedding photos because everything can be fixed in Photoshop, and while it’s true that there are certain processing techniques that we can use to enhance your appearance, there are some caveats:

1.) With a photographer delivering anywhere from 500-1500 photos for a wedding, doing extensive facial retouching on more than a few photos would be way too time consuming, so the vast majority of your photos will not receive that extra special attention.

2.) We DO need a starting point. We can’t just add eyeliner where there is none at all or darken and lengthen lashes we can barely see in the photos … it’s much easier to enhance/darken/freshen the great makeup that’s already there where necessary. And we’re not professional makeup artists either, so asking us to try to color in your face from scratch is probably not a great idea :-X

3.) Hairs fall out of place… it happens, we don’t always notice, and sometimes there is nothing we can do about it later. However, it’s much less likely to happen when they are secured in place by a professional!

Finally, while it’s not a requirement, please consider professional hair and makeup for your engagement session as well!